The opening reception for YR31 was held June 3rd. It was a good turn out in spite of the 93 F temperatures. Rick Whitacre from San Jose, CA and Janice Pluma, from Paso Robles CA, both exhibiting artists, traveled to Hanford to be in attendance. The visitors really appreciated having the opportunity to talk to the artists about their art.
Rick Whitacre and his art, photography on metal, “While the Valley Sleeps”
Janice Pluma, (left) and her acrylic painting, “Vista”. Christine Obers (right), Director, Yosemite Renaissance.
John Robinson, the curator of the exhibit, did an excellent job of installing the art. The art was well positioned. The lighting was expertly done to show each piece at its best. Bruce Kane, Executive Director, Kings County Art Center, and the volunteers made everyone feel welcome. It was a wonderful addition having live music performed by Tyler Richards on the keyboard, and Martin Almaraz on the guitar.
Bruce Kane, Executive Director of the Kings County Art Center, introducing the exhibit.
Visitors admire the textile art by Denise Oyama Miller, "Yosemite Reflections”
Visitors to the exhibit
Tyler Richards on the keyboard, and Martin Almaraz on the guitar
John Robinson, curator, explains setting up the display in the Kings County Art Center.
Richard King, (far left) carefully transported the YR31 artwork from the museum gallery in Yosemite to the Kings County Art Center in Hanford.
Visitors to the exhibit
Visitors admire the pastel artwork, “Winter Wonderland” by artist David Will
Thank you to all the volunteers whose hard work made the opening reception a pleasure.
Yosemite Renaissance is very excited to share the YR31 exhibition with the Kings County art community. The exhibition will be on display till July 18th. It will then travel to the Carnegie Art Center, Turlock, CA, August 11th – October 9th.
For more information on the Kings County Art Center YR31 Exhibit contact the Kings County Art Center. Get directions to the Kings County Art Center.