Looking Back and Forward - A Note from our Director
Read MoreSeason of Smoke, the Journey - photograph by Ward Ruth - Yosemite Renaissance 36
Season of Smoke, the Journey - photograph by Ward Ruth - Yosemite Renaissance 36
Looking Back and Forward - A Note from our Director
Read MoreThe Drowning of Hetch Hetchy. An artist’s story by Jennifer Fosgate
Read More“We are very excited to host the 32nd annual Yosemite Renaissance art exhibit at Gallery 5. It is a great honor to present this inspirational art exhibit celebrating Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada wilderness we know and love.” - Jon Bock, Director, Yosemite Renaissance
Read More"I have no trouble describing how I work – I paint on a handmade Japanese paper called kyoseishi and then embellish the piece with hand embroidery. The “why” is more complicated but also more interesting to read about, as it speaks to why one creates art at all." - Mary Beth Schwartzenberger
Read MoreI Was Told there would be Pie - Oil Painting by Theresa Grams
"The intent of my art is simple – to share the beauty I see in nature with others. I often visit national and state parks, family farms, some of the 10,000 lakes here in Minnesota, and even go on Sunday drives in the country to be inspired by the beauty of animals and nature. A camera is always within my reach during any trip I take." - Theresa Grams
Read MorePhoto by David Hoffman
“Visual artists, writers and musicians have been inspired by our area for centuries. We want to encourage contemporary artists to share new interpretations of the region, explore the issues we face, and celebrate our environment through art." - Jon Bock
Read MoreYosemite Renaissance provides a contemporary perspective on the century-old artistic traditions of depicting the landscape, issues and ideas surrounding Yosemite National Park.
Read MoreThe opening reception for YR31 was held June 3rd. It was a good turnout in spite of the 93 F temperatures. Rick Whitacre from San Jose, CA and Janice Pluma, from Paso Robles CA, both exhibiting artists, traveled to Hanford to be in attendance. The visitors really appreciated having the opportunity to talk to the artists about their art.
Read MoreFor over three decades Yosemite Renaissance has encouraged and promoted diverse artistic expressions of Yosemite National Park and the surrounding area. Started in 1985 by a small group of visionaries Yosemite Renaissance was set up to continue the legacy of the great artists of the past.
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