Yosemite Renaissance 36
Yosemite Gateway Art Center - March 19 through May 30, 2021
Kings Art Center, Hanford - June 25th through July 31st, 2021
Carnegie Arts Center, Turlock - August 12th through October 10th, 2021
Circle Gallery, Madera County Arts Council - November 11th, 2021 through January 14th 2022
Yosemite Museum Gallery, Yosemite National Park - We look forward to returning to the Yosemite Museum in Oct. 2022.
As pandemic restrictions are lifted, we will move ahead with determination and enthusiasm. Thank you all for your patience and support!
Sincerely Jonathan W Bock, Director, Yosemite Renaissance

YR36 AWARDS - YOSEMITE RENAISSANCE 36 Follow this link for a list of YR36 award winners!
YR36 AWARD PRESENTATION Follow this link to view our Award Presentation video on Facebook.
YR36 Gallery

If you support our mission, and are interested in helping us by sponsoring this exhibit, please call or email and we will provide additional information.
Phone: 559-683-5551
Email – info@YosemiteRenaissance.org
On Facebook at; www.facebook.com//yosemite.renaissance