Yosemite Renaissance 39 showcases 55 works by 54 artists from across the country. Thank you artists, volunteers and supporters for helping us keep the vision of Yosemite Renaissance alive!
The exhibit will be shown at the following venues.
Yosemite Gateway Art Center - March 16 through May 26, 2024
Kings Art Center, Hanford - June 7th through July 14th, 2024
Carnegie Arts Center, Turlock - August 6th through October 5th, 2024
Circle Gallery, Madera County Arts Council - January 23rd through March 7th, 2025
Yosemite Renaissance 39 Gallery
Award Winners Yosemite Renaissance 39
Best of Show - $600 award
“Catherdral Rocks, Yosemite” – Textile by Sandra Mollon
First Place – three $400 awards
1) “Yosemite in Blues” Acrylic Painting by Lizzie Wenger
2) “First Fall Storm” Watercolor by Lenn Goldmann
3) “White Fang Ghost” Photograph by Tim Aston
Second Place – three $300 awards
1) “Liberty Cap, Southwest Face” Drawing by Nathan Durrant
2) “Come With” Mixed Media by Tim McMeans
3) “Free Climber” Oil Painting by Trowzers Akimbo
Third Place – four $200 awards
1) “Candyland Perspective” Gouache by Rebecca Alarcon
2) “Watering Hole” Sculpture by Wendy Tan
3) “Skinny Dipper” Linocut by Monique Wales
4) “Glacial Sphere” Photograph by John Bonath
Honorable Mention - four $100 awards
1) “Wild Willy’s Hot Springs” Serigraph by Christine Innes
2) “Autumn Begins” Photograph by Lisa Brussell
3) “Yosemite / Sierra Nevada Book” Art Book by Joy Colangelo
4) “Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone” Acrylic by John Kifer
People’s Choice Award - two $100 awards
1) “Old Scars” Watercolor by Jessica De Jesus
2) “Summer Dawn Wall” Oil Painting by Karen E VanWinkle
If you support our mission, and are interested in helping us by sponsoring this exhibit, please call or email and we will provide additional information.
Phone: 559-683-5551
Email – info@YosemiteRenaissance.org
On Facebook at; www.facebook.com/yosemite.renaissance